Our expert: Chef Pornpimol Limdamnoen

Chef Pornpimol Limdamnoen
Bakery Chef, Unilever Food Solutions, Thailand
“Baking combines art and science, along with other various cooking techniques. This combination is what drove me to seriously consider becoming a chef.”
Before Chef Pornpimol started focusing on baking, her brother encouraged her to learn the basics of cooking first as he felt that she needed to master her cooking skills before moving on to baking.
While Chef Pornpimol studied at School of Culinary Arts, Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, she had a chance to be Professor Assistant by preparing all materials for bakery class. She found out that bakery is really complicating and challenging.
After that, Chef Pornpimol joined a pastry competition in Penang that helped widen perspective, and also granted her an opportunity to develop cooking skill e.g. how to choose the ingredients. how to make the desserts, and how to combine with the art skill.
When it comes to pastries, Chef Pornpimol’s most impressive dish is Banana Cake with Honey Lemon Sauce, served with Oreo chips. This is the first recipe she created, as well as the one that she chose to use in her baking competition.
Another impressive story is she made cookies and asked her mother to test it and was shared to neighbors. Of course, everyone liked it. Then she studied harder to develop her baking skill and taste.
“Do not panic even if you have tried fifty times, and your bakery dishes still do not look good. Making desserts is not easy and requires patience and determination. Most importantly, you should never stop improving your skills.” said Chef Pornpimol.